cover image What’s in a Kiss?

What’s in a Kiss?

Lauren Kate. Putnam, $19 trade paper (384p) ISBN 978-0-593-54517-1

A woman explores an alternate timeline in the exciting latest from Kate (after By Any Other Name). Maid of honor Olivia Dusk is determined to see her best friend’s wedding go off without a hitch, even if that means keeping her cool around the best man, Jake Glasswell, her former high school rival who now hosts a popular TV talk show. Olivia put her own dreams of working in entertainment on hold to help out her mother after her father’s death 10 years prior, so her distaste for Jake is now compounded by jealousy. Something strange happens when Misha and her fiancé kiss at the altar, however: Liv is abruptly propelled into an alternate version of her life. In this world, which she dubs High Life, she and Jake are married, she’s estranged from her mom, and she, rather than Jake, is a TV star. Though she searches for a way to get back to the reality she remembers, there’s a part of Liv that doesn’t want to leave this new life behind. With a touch of humor and plenty of swoony moments, Kate nimbly explores how small choices can alter the trajectory of a life. Readers will be hooked. Agent: Laura Rennert, Andrea Brown Literary. (July)