cover image Beautiful Villain

Beautiful Villain

Rebecca Kenney. Sourcebooks Casablanca, $16.99 trade paper (400p) ISBN 978-1-72828-036-3

In this lush, paranormal reimagining of The Great Gatsby, Kenney (the Dark Rulers series) dabbles in the superficial trappings of the original while largely ignoring its deeper themes. After graduating from college, Daisy Finnegan takes a “gap summer,” living with her parents in North Carolina while she tries to get over her abusive ex, Tom. When her best friend invites her to a billionaire’s party, Daisy is shocked to discover the host is her former friend Jay Gatsby, whom she hasn’t seen in eight years. Now decadently rich and popular, Gatsby only has eyes for Daisy, who eagerly responds to his interest. But then he reveals the source of his newfound wealth: he’s a vampire who turns select humans into immortals like him for cash. Caught up in a whirlwind of luxury, blood, and secrets, Daisy must figure out how she fits into Jay’s life—especially when his enemies come calling. Purists will balk at the liberties Kenney takes with her source material, but those who take this on its own terms will find a solid romance at the story’s heart. Daisy and Jay’s steamy connection is believable and the worldbuilding leaves room for further exploration in subsequent volumes. Kenney’s fans will be pleased. Agent: Eva Scalzo, Speilburg Literary. (July)